Rather Varying A Cognitive Approach

Let’s make a approach, a very self proclaimed supposition. Suppose anywhere in the corner of the universe there exists a point, however we are disregarding the fact that the universe is expanding from every point of the universe, kind of like time warp where some proposed of travelling FTL (Faster Than Light), from that point one can control anything on any planet.
Now imagine yourself as a kid rocking on his chair, gazing out of the window to find a car moving with very variable speed, and you’re thinking if somehow you could control this car, somehow you could hack its system just with mind, half T-shirt & full pants (though its impossible to control a car, with your mind or even change a women’s mind, nevertheless, let’s continue). Then a news pops into your mobile phone flashing with the news that an old man has discovered the center of the universe, believing somehow that’s true, you drop the cup of coffee, for you are doing some late night freelancing late night, still lost in your thought of being a “being” in this far too short universe.
Now you are a child with goals, who’s gonna hit it even better than Ronaldo or Messi; now you sit everyday thinking about the universe, every step taken, every led distribution that has done something to you, to take you where you are. A few years later you received your P.H.D in Physics.
Now you are a physicist having disproved every laws’ approximation, idealization & so on and so forth. Now after substituting every single law in the world, by your own laws which actually seem to be correct, you come to the G.O.A.T, the most famous equation among students, without which theoretical physics is like an Instagram Influencer without a phone or a motivational speaker who is mute. After Years of deliberating and also being deliberated you disproved it(somehow), a year later you got Nobel Prize for your work in Physics(Congratulations, by the way!!). And Now you are a good old man with a son and a daughter with great grandkids, you lived your life like a person who has done something to this world, a person who will be remembered through laws for physicists and in textbooks for the students at high school, but was it all worth anything, did the progress made did anything to your lifestyle, you still are dying, aren’t you? You somehow proved the twin paradox more accurate by extending it more further, but still you were not able to condemn your death, still you did something for this race which is gonna end when all this comes true ultimately. What did you Gain? Is it everything about you that you thought of or is it for the still larger cause of humanity that you thought of? @
Humans are not clever, they are just narcissistic!!